Location Information

  • Ayres Hotel and Conference Center, Newport Beach/Costa Mesa
  • 325 Bristol Street, Costa Mesa, CA, 92626 US

Conference Schedule Overview

Conference Schedule

Thursday 6:30-9pmBook Launch

Join us as selected WAWH members share readings from their recent book, with Q/A to follow--all while enjoying dessert and a cash bar!

Friday 8:30-10amSession I (4 )

Friday 10:15-11:45amSession II (4)

12-1:30pmKeynote Luncheon

Join us for the keynote address by Prof. Lydia Otero (University of Arizona; Independent Scholar), author of award winning books and articles including: La Calle: Spatial Conflicts and Urban Renewal in a Southwest City, In theShadows of the Freeway: Growing Up Brown & Queer, and most recently, L.A. Interchanges: A Brown & Queer Archival Memoir. Learn more: https://www.lydiaotero.com

Friday 1:45-3:15pmSession III (4)

Friday 3:30-5pmWAWH Mixer & Graduate Student Poster Session

Come to meet people or to reacquaint yourself with those you've met! Enjoy some hors d'oeuvres and cash bar while you also check out the graduate student poster submissions and and chat with their creators. Remember, you get to vote for the recipient of the Mary Elizabeth "Betsy" Perry Prize!

Friday Schedule ConcludesDinner on Your Own

Saturday 8:30-10:00amSession IV (4)

Saturday 10:15-11:45amSession V (4)

Lunch BreakSaturday Lunch on Your Own

Saturday 1-1:30pmGraduate Student Poster Session

All members can vote for the best poster, whose creator will receive the Mary Elizabeth "Betsy" Perry Prize!

Saturday 1:45-3:15pmSession VI (4)

Saturday 3:30-5pmSession VII (4)

Saturday 5:15-6:45pmMembers' Business Meeting

We hope many WAWH members will come to learn more (and vote!) about the current work of WAWH and about the future.

7-9pmAwards Banquet


Non-Member: Full Registration

This includes all conference-related events. This option costs more than the combined total of WAWH membership and member registration but is available for those who need it. This is NOT available to program participants and those who use it are ineligible for any reimbursement for students, early-career, and underfunded scholars. "Fee" noted as part of total includes credit card processing and .99 ticket fee. Pricing automatically changes relevant to these dates:
Early-bird pricing through 2/16/25; Regular pricing through 3/16/25, with Late/On-site pricing after that date through 4/26/25. ON-LINE PAID REGISTRATION UNAVAILABLE BETWEEN 4/6 AND CONFERENCE. In-person available at conference.


Non-Member: Friday-Only

For non-members attending ONLY Friday Events. This includes Keynote luncheon and WAWH Mixer Reception. This option costs more than the combined total of WAWH membership and member registration but is available for those who need it. This is NOT available to program participants and those who use it are ineligible for any reimbursement for students, early-career, and underfunded scholars. "Fee" noted as part of total includes credit card processing and .99 ticket fee. Pricing automatically changes relevant to these dates:
Early-bird pricing through 2/16/25; Regular pricing through 3/16/25, with Late/On-site pricing after that date through 4/26/25. ON-LINE PAID REGISTRATION UNAVAILABLE BETWEEN 4/6 AND CONFERENCE. In-person available at conference.


Non-Member: Saturday Only

For non-members attending ONLY Saturday Events. This includes the Awards Banquet. This option costs more than the combined total of WAWH membership and member registration but is available for those who need it. This is NOT available to program participants and those who use it are ineligible for any reimbursement for students, early-career, and underfunded scholars. "Fee" noted as part of total includes credit card processing and .99 ticket fee. Pricing automatically changes relevant to these dates:
Early-bird pricing through 2/16/25; Regular pricing through 3/16/25, with Late/On-site pricing after that date through 4/26/25. ON-LINE PAID REGISTRATION UNAVAILABLE BETWEEN 4/6 AND CONFERENCE. In-person available at conference.


Banquet-Only Guest: Saturday Awards Banquet

This is only for family/friends/colleagues attending Awards Banquet but no other conference events. "Fee" noted as part of total includes credit card processing and .99 ticket fee. ONLINE PURCHASE OF GUEST BANQUET TICKETS IS UNAVAILABLE 4/6 TO START OF CONFERENCE. In-person purchases available at conference.

Total: $0.00


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
TicketSpice Event Ticketing Software